The Benefits of Occupational Health

Improved Wellness Through Better Occupational Health in Tyler, TX

Our licensed, skilled, and esteemed doctor, Dr. C Perry Marshall, whose expertise is occupational health, directs Business Health at Direct RehabMed, in Tyler, TX.

Our doctor and his compassionate and skilled staff serve the community of Tyler and surrounding areas with the highest quality healthcare by keeping abreast of the latest updates in occupational medicine.

We take the proper steps towards preventing job-related accidents, injuries, and illness, promoting various occupations' quality physical, mental, and social well-being. Occupational Health has many benefits.

Benefits of Occupational Health

Business Health at Direct RehabMed in Tyler, TX, has many benefits that support patients' goals, success, and professional growth.

  • We advocate that you pursue a job that is motivating and enjoyable and sparks a continued interest.
  • We promote the highest physical, mental, and social well-being in all occupations.
  • Your job should boost your working capacity based on your health.
  • We help to improve working conditions related to your health and safety on the job.
  • We provide a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • We assess environmental factors vs. your particular job.
  • We identify your exposure to chemicals, metals, asbestos, molds, and toxins.
  • We help manage your complicated processes of disability.
  • We can give you the "OK" to return to work or extend time off work for more healing.
  • We provide educational help in preventing specific accidents, injuries, or illnesses related to your job.
  • We are a convenient testing facility.
  • We perform X-rays, treat vision and hearing injuries, and complete pulmonary function testing.
  • We can assist companies with policies and plans related to occupational health.
  • We can advise companies about needed interventions for work-related injuries and diseases and set a prevention plan in motion.
  • We promote the physical, mental, and emotional wellness of employees.
  • We collaborate with outstanding national health programs such as the CDC.
  • We help develop health systems for companies.
  • We protect you, the employee, and your employer. 

We are a central informational network for everything regarding your accident, injury, or work-related illness.

On the Job Accidents, Injuries, and Illnesses Require an Occupational Doctor

If you have an accident, injury, or illness caused by your job, you must visit an occupational medicine doctor licensed and skilled in occupational medicine.

Our doctor and clinic support immediate proper diagnosis and treatment of work-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses while on the job.

You can call Dr. Marshall, our Occupational Doctor at Business Health at Direct RehabMed, in Tyler, Texas, for all your occupational health questions at the following numbers.

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